GlobalGameJam Reflection Supporting tagline
Well, first things’ first, mission accomplished! I was able to form/join a team of somewhat strangers and finish a playable game at the Global Game Jam 2013! You can find a link to our github repo here and our project page here!
Things I thought went great
- We got an idea together quickly
- We picked a fairly proper scope for just the weekend
- I learned some Node.js and
- I got to be closer friends with some IGDA people I see every month
- I learned more about debugging web stuff on phones and how to make things for them
- Got more comfortable with cloud deployment platforms
Things I thought could’ve gone better
- Could’ve focused on getting to a playable prototype faster
- Could’ve delegate tasks a little more so we were making more synchronized progress
- Those two things might’ve allowed us to do more interesting designs and bugfix more
Plan for February
Trying to stay on the singular goal path, but allowing myself credit for anything benefitial I might feel like doing (for example, doing some Backbone Tutorials on my own to help with work, or Codecademy / Hack Design lessons). Think it’s been going fairly well, I could be more consistent about it but the perspective of not putting too much pressure on myself has been good for my attitude towards it all!
Next up is going to be the Resume as a major project!